Saturday, August 9, 2008

Eliot Falls - Paradise on Cape York

Eliot Falls, Twin Falls, and The Saucepan are within cooee of each other along the Overland Telegraph Track. They render the area a veritable paradise. The water never ceases flowing here for the surrounding area is a sandstone plateau which absorbs the rain from The Wet and then leaches it out gradually through The Dry. The water is pure and tasteless, like water should be, having been filtered on its way through the porous sandstone (it was rain water to begin with anyway so not much filtering was needed!), and so we simply drank straight from the falls. This place is probably our favourite on Cape York Peninsula. The falls are also the perfect temperature for swimming. We spent a couple of days here pampering ourselves, but had to leave against our will on the third because dwindling food supplies forced us to move on as the next food source was still a couple of days' riding away.

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